EMAIL BLAST Stahl CA52: PROTEST RALLY – KPBS Studio 4pm Friday the 9th

John K. Stahl (R-CA-52)


PROTEST RALLY – KPBS Studio 4pm Friday the 9th

Email Blast

March 8, 2012


I am being excluded from a debate held by KPBS on the 14th of March


They are only including the career politicians in the race who are all working

on their 2nd and 3rd taxpayer paid pensions


We will be at the KPBS location at 5200 Campanile Drive in San Diego at 4pm to protest



None of the invitees have worked at a company that manufactured and shipped a product

nor gathered 3,500 signatures to get on the ballot


If only the career politicians who got us into this mess are included, where does the

solution come from?


Is that not the definition of insanity?


Regards, hope to see you there tomorrow





Candidate for Congress
52nd District California

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