Liberals, Hitler, Stalin and Mao – Marching Together

After reading over some of the comments being made regarding the transgender person being viciously attacked and whether or not this constitutes a hate crime, I felt it was time I put my beliefs on this subject in the public domain. Hitler, Stalin and Mao would be proud of what liberal’s are doing to this country.
Hate crime legislation may very well be the perfect example of liberal extremist nonsense. This is the epitome of liberal ‘ideas’ and why they are so ridiculous.
First of all, any idea a liberal ever comes up with has two parts to it. You can use this test on anything they want to do and it works. First, whatever libs claim the proposed idea is meant to be for, the main purpose is always, first and foremost and usually exclusively, to make themselves feel good.
“We’re doing something wonderful now. We care sooooooo much and are sooooooo compassionate. Just watch at how well meaning we are and how much we care for the poor, underprivileged that need us to take care of them (stay tuned, an essay on white liberal racism is in the works). What would they do without us. In fact, we care sooooooo much it practically hurts” on and on and on ad nauseam. Frankly, it is clear they don’t give a damn about anything but their own egos but, the media laps this up like the dogs they are and it continues to plague the rest of us and cost us a lot of money.
The second part of the two part test, and this is absolute, you can be sure that libs have not thought through the consequences of whatever it is they are trying to force on everyone. Their ability to think rationally is nonexistent. In fact, they avoid it like the plague. If they think about what they are doing rationally, they wouldn’t do it. So, they let their emotions control them which is why they only do things that make themselves feel good.
Which brings me to hate crime legislation. An example. If a white man is walking down the street and two other white men attack him, beat him up and put him in the hospital somehow, in liberal world, that is not as bad as if the same two white men attack a black man and inflict the exact same injuries on him. Why? No one has ever come up with a rational, reasoned explanation for why this is. Mostly what liberals will give you is BS about how they need to protect some people and others don’t need the same level of protection because of past injustice blah, blah, blah and other such condescending blather. This is such nauseating, racist garbage if a conservative came up with something this patronizingly racist you would believe it was fostered by the KKK. But, because it is liberals, who are sooooooo compassionate and care sooooooo much, came up with this childish stupidity, it must be good.
Not only is it racist nonsense but, and here is the truly impressively idiotic part, it is extremely dangerous. What is truly impressively idiotic, like everything else these childish nitwits fail to think through, they have just given the government the right to criminalize how someone feels! What someone thinks! The government can now criminally sanction, not just what you’ve done, but what you feel about someone else and what you are thinking. Does anyone see a problem here? Maybe someone will come up with an idea you have that they don’t like and use the government to toss you in jail for it? Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Soviet Union and Mao’s China was like this. Anyone want to live there?