Andrew Ian Dodge (R-ME-Senate)

Andrew Ian Dodge Candidate for US Senator from Maine

Andrew Ian Dodge (R-ME-Senate)

Biography of Andrew Ian Dodge

Biography from Dodge For Senate Campaign

Andrew Ian Dodge began his political career as a young Republican in Maine fighting to reinvigorate the idea of a young conservative majority in the state and eventually becoming a recognized leader and innovator at the national level. In his tenure at Colby College Andrew resurrected the Debate team and encouraged the creation of Speech classes. In the 90s he help rebuild the Young Republicans group here in Maine. After college he was hired by the Bruges Group whose major patron was Margaret Thatcher.

Since then, his conservative principles have never wavered.

Whether it was working with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to fight the encroaching power of the European Union and its globalist allies, or standing for a stronger defense of Western countries through the UK Bow Group, or helping to found the Maine Tea Party Patriots in 2009 and organizing the first Tea Party event in Maine, Andrew has never shied away from a fight when the principles of American conservatism are on the line.

Andrew Ian Dodge believes the Founding Fathers fought the most consequential battle for freedom in history. He should know; his family was there. The Dodges have been in Maine since the 1700s when it was part of Massachusetts. In 2007 Andrew came face to face with that legacy when he married the actress Kim Benson in a temple built by his grandfather and uncles on Ocean’s point.

Andrew learned the importance of hard work and family values from his father Arthur Dodge. Arthur, the son of a lobster man and ship builder, worked tenaciously for 31 years until he had become a major player at Texaco. But when Arthur’s family needed him he returned to Maine and spent the rest of his life working to make sure that the beauty of his home state was preserved for his children. Like his father Andrew believes that Maine is one of the most beautiful states in the union and is worth fighting for. In his teenage youth Andrew spent many days enjoying the natural beauty of the Allagash Region where he canoed and the great Katadin Mountain where he hiked.

He also knows that our system of medical care is one of the best in the world and should not be absorbed by the overbearing state. In 2007 Andrew overcame colon cancer after serious post-operation complications thanks to the tireless ingenuity of the doctors of Parkview Hospital in Brunswick. Had the government been able to step in and force those tireless professionals to comply with the red tape regime of Obamacare Andrew would not be alive today. Unlike Olympia Snowe, who voted to let Obamacare out of committee, Andrew views the fight to keep our health care free of meddling bureaucrats as literally a matter of life and death.

Prior to his run for office, Andrew was a leader in Maine’s Tea Party movement. He organized the first registered tea party event in Maine, which took place in Augusta on April 15 2009. Andrew has also represented Maine at national conventions of Tea Party supporters, and has had a major hand in deciding strategy for the movement. He has appeared frequently in the local and national press speaking about tea party issues, doing interviews with outlets as diverse as Russian TV, MSNBC and French Canadian radio on the subject. Prior to his run, Andrew was also an influential voice for Tea Partiers in the media, having written for the Washington Examiner, Pajamas Media and the Daily Caller.

Past and present community involvement. (10 Years)

Maine State Coordinator Tea Party Patriots (2009-2011), organized first tea party event in Maine in April 2009. Did an 8000 mile/26 day speaking tour/drive from Maine to Fresno (and back) to raise awareness for tea party issues & the plight of the farmers in Central Valley CA

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