Liberal Compassion (It just aint so)

It’s time to make a point about liberal Democrats and their self-proclaimed compassion. Liberals always want to believe that they are the ones who care so much for anything and everything (except, of course, people who actually work for a living) and they are soooooo compassionate and always on the side of the angels on every issue. The simple truth is that this image is total nonsense and, if any thing, liberals are the worst kind of haters. The kind that cloak themselves in falsities and try to pass themselves off as caring soooooo much for the poor underdogs of society. It’s enough to make me vomit.
Here is the reality. Liberals don’t give a damn about anything or anyone except themselves and finding ways to make con themselves into believing their own BS. Look at any issue or position that liberals advocate. Anyone, it doesn’t matter they are all the same. They always contain two parts.
1) The main purpose is to make themselves feel good. Everything they do, no matter what hogwash they proclaim it is for, the main point is to make themselves feel good so they can give each other a big hug and feel good about themselves; and
2) The second part, and this is a guarantee, whatever idea they come up with, and I use the term idea loosely, you can be absolutely certain it will be poorly thought through. The consequences of whatever these people come up with will not be considered and will likely be far worse than what they are trying to fix.
The main reason for both of these parts of the two part liberal idea test being what they are is, if you ever listen to them, rational thinking is not something they do. What they operate on is emotionally driven and not well thought, well reasoned, thinking. It is about what they believe, what they convince themselves is ‘fair’, and, most importantly, what will make themselves feel good and assuage some of their never ending liberal guilt.
A perfect example of this is the closing of the terrorist POW priosn at Guantanamo Bay. They couldn’t wait to do it. Just about his first act on the job was President Obama signing an executive order to close it within a year. They all jumped up and down, slapped each other on the back and gave themselves a giant group hug. Then, when the cheering was over, they all looked at each other expecting one of them to have a clue as to how to do this. Perfect. The feel good moment followed by reality raising its ugly head. It was actually quite amusing to watch. And, of course, here we are two and half years later, and nothing was accomplished, which, is actually a good thing. At least they didn’t make it worse.
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