Schools: Patriotism and Capitalism Out

May 13, 2011 by Editor Fred D

Schools: Patriotism and Capitalism Out

In Tucson, Arizona the Tucson Unified School Board has been offering a class that anti-American to say the least.  In Massachusetts a child that draws a picture of the American flag cannot hang it in the class because it might offend another student.

“Frankie Girard, 11, drew the picture during his art class at Butterfields School in Orange County, Massachusetts.” reports the Daily Mail of London. His father is adamant that his son’s civil rights were violated. “He was denied hanging the flag up. And, he asked if he could just even hang it on his desk, and he was told no.  He could take the picture that he drew and take it home and be proud of it there,” John Girard (Frankie’s father) said.

Someone has posted a page on Facebook called “.” There were 3132 people that had like the page just after 11 am EST.

Controversy over child’s flag drawing:

Interview of John and Frankie Girard

Across the country in Arizona, children are being taught to hate America. In the video below, a woman is quoting from the texts used in the classroom and one of the members of the Tucson Unified School Board asks her “… I am going to ask that the language be not mentioned during public meetings we have young people in this room and it is in apparent.”

If a member of the Tucson Unified School Board has a problem with someone in a public meeting quoting from the text books that are used in the classroom, one must ask why they approved the texts? They approved a book calling for revolution and over throw of government.

Here is video from May 10, 2011 meeting.

In Tucson there may be an answer as to why this happening. Paul Eckerstrom, former Democratic Party chairman for Pima County, and Tucson attorney Peter Hormel have formed . The mission, “To establish a new state in Southern Arizona free of the un-American, unconstitutional machinations of the Arizona…”

So it would seem that secession is coming from the Democrats and not the Tea Party Movement. It also appears that the Tea Party movement is going to have to monitor not just the national government but also all levels of government in the United States.

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  1. John F. Girard Sr.

    Thank you for your support. We really appreciate it.
    John F. Girard Sr.
    Franklen’s Dad

    • We think you are a hero that has raised another hero. Best wishes to you and your family. Please, Thank your children for their service to our country and our safety.


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