Watch What Wedding, Why

Why should any America even care about the politics of the UK or let alone the wedding of Prince William of Wales? After all this is a constitutional monarchy, not via a single document, that we shed over 200 years ago. In the past 100 years, the only constant we have had in Europe has been the British Crown.
If history is an indicator of those things that are to come, our great grandchildren will see the United Kingdom with a monarch. The advantage to the United States is good relations with the United Kingdom means that there is foundation for good relations with member states, or properly, the Commonwealth countries.
Insight is what we are looking for in this wedding. We look forward into the future for the indication of what a part of the world will appear to our country. Her Majesty The Queen, is not just The Queen of England, “Including the British Isles, The Queen is Head of State in 16 Commonwealth countries. Her Majesty is head of the Commonwealth which includes 53 countries.” As such Her Heirs should maintain that position.
Her Majesty’s Government will have selected certain guest as well as The Queen. But the ones invited by Prince Charles, Prince William and Miss. Littleton will give us a glance into what we will have to expect from them. Though at the same time; we should understand that official speeches and other actions are advised by the current government of the day. (Advised is the term used, as it is bad form and disrespectful to tell the Sovereign to do or say anything.)
Our status as having a good relationship with the United Kingdom is based in part on our relationship with their symbol, The Queen. Our continued relationship, must in part be the realization that part of our relationship is based on respect of their Sovereign as The Queen and Her Heirs, as they are put forward as official representatives and symbols of not just the United Kingdom but the entire realm including all the Commonwealth countries.
Having what seems like 50 million channels on the television, one is hard pressed to find one channel that has not made mention of the wedding. Tomorrow we shall be given a brief glance into the ancient rites of not just England but of English and Common Law. If for no other reason, it will be the event of the decade with all the pomp and circumstance that only the British can muster.
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