Democrat Cannibalism

North Carolina District 7: Del Pietro, a Wilmington, NC Democrat, who was planning to challenge Rep. Mike McIntyre (D) in 2012, has dropped out of the race.
A McIntyre staffer Tony McEwen referred to him as “crazy,” “shaky,” “schizophrenic” and “not all there.” Those comments were made at a Jobs Summit on 3/29/2011.
The Star News, a local newspaper, reported: “I have a wonderful and very loving family and they do not deserve to be put through such a terribly unethical campaign as put forth by Congressman McIntyre and his staffer,” Pietro wrote. “My heart goes out to the people of this district which is the poorest and sickest in North Carolina. May God be with you.”
Tony McEwen did release the following statement: “Dear Del, Please accept my sincere apologies for the comments I made to the WWAY reporter about you while working at the Jobs Summit on 3/29/2011. They were not professional and portrayed you in a very unfair manner. Again, I ask that you accept my deepest apologies to you and your family.”
Are we to expect this from other Democrats across the country or will this tactic just be reserved for the members of the Blue Dog Coalition.
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