Boehner Out the Closet

Mar 30, 2011 by Editor Fred D

Boehner Out the Closet

Our national debt is $14.6 trillion and the present cap is $14.9 trillion. Present debt share is $128,385 per taxpayer or $45,850 per citizen. April 8, 2011 is the new deadline for a Continuing Resolution (CR) or budget.

Without a new CR or budget non-essential services will halt. The government will only be allowed to spend what has been approved and only those revenues that have been received; example, Grandma will get her Social Security check. What a novel approach, wonder if anyone would be wild enough to do that in their personal lives.

The stimulus package that was to create jobs did not work. The Administration is unfriendly to business; oil production has been forcefully cut and their answer is to tax more and more. While at the same time our costs at the store go up, it paramount to a tax on all.

Democrats are screaming to high Heaven that the Republicans are split and that it is the Tea Party members fault. But just for a moment let us give Speaker Boehner credit for being a smart politician. (Full disclosure we are not pleased with him right now.) It is entirely possible that he may be bluffing the democrats. What better way than to lead them on into thinking that there will be an issue and drive a better deal.

If the Speaker gets the Democrats to budge, it would be hopeful that the United States could avert draconian cuts like Greece and other countries. What the progressives fail to understand is that money is NOT falling from the sky. The Republicans should not, for any reason, allow a debt limit increase with the CR.

The key to what happens will be if the Republicans listen to Obama, when he was in the Senate, and said the debt limit should not be increased. This is the one time that they need to do what he has said to do.

Senator Schumer has indicated that the democrats are planning to saying that they want to work out something, a compromise, even though they don’t want to and that they will blame the Speaker and Tea Party members for a shutdown. Republicans should send up a CR to the Senate, one that is responsible, and let the Senate Democrats refuse to act.

Last time this was an issue for the Republicans. If the Republicans act responsible this time and state why they are making the cuts, this will be a loss for the Democrats. When this happened under Clinton the United States was not at the cusp of financial ruin.

Without the debt increase they will have to defund Obama Care and cut the budget. The other choice is to grow the economy. That will take a multi-pronged approach. This will be something that will not happen with Obama in the White House and democrats in control of the Senate.

Growing the economy will require lower fuel cost, a friendly environment to business and a stronger dollar to name a few items. Talk to someone with a small business and ask them what they need to move forward.

Presently Obama has indicated that fuel costs should be higher, so you can bet that he is not willing to bring costs down. Just by Bush agreeing to lift the ban on offshore drilling the price of a barrel of crude dropped about 2/3’s. That was in just a few months time and with no new drilling.  The value of the dollar must be increased and in order to reduce the overall cost of raw products. The Federal Reserve must reduce the number of dollars in circulation. This may cause some inflation. With the United States set to become the country with the highest corporate taxes in the next few months, well that is something else that must be reduced to remain competitive.

The fastest way to lower the deficit is by reducing unemployment. A shutdown could be the best thing to happen to America. This may be the wake up for those Americans that are still sleeping. Since we are not able to rely on the media to give us the truth, it may be time to go old school, return to the taverns, churches and other places to discuss that is really going on and what needs to be done. Where are those REFOUNDERS that we have heard about? They need to step up and help us now!

To see our debt clock.

To see world debt.

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  • Boehner
  • Continuing Resolution
  • CR
  • Democrats
  • Greece
  • House
  • national debt
  • Obama
  • progressives
  • Republicans
  • Schumer
  • Senate
  • Social Security
  • Speaker

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