Obama and His Deficit Mess

Apr 14, 2011 by Dennis C

Obama and His Deficit Mess

Obama and his fellow liberal Democrat extremists have shown, once again, they are not serious people and not to be taken seriously.

As I recall, there was an election last fall in which the voters sent a loud and clear message to Washington to grow up, stop the spending and get their house in order. The Republicans ran on this theme and the voters went with them. Obama and the liberal Democrats have chosen to act as if this did not happen. They are continuing to act as though the voters want them to continue on the road to economic ruin that we have been on since Obama was elected. Apparently all of his ‘change’ silliness that the adoring masses fell in love with was he was going to change America into Greece and promise more than he could deliver.

His deficit reduction proposal is typical nonsense designed to mollify the far left extremists who worship at his altar. The only thing he actually proposed was every liberal extremists wet dream. Raise taxes on the rich. And, of course, non-specific spending cuts that are really nothing more than his usual rosy scenario, wishful thinking ‘hope’ that everything goes perfectly until the election when he won’t care anymore. These children continue to believe that somehow if we just tax the rich to make them pay their “fair share”. It is impressively naive and it would be amusing if it wasn’t so serious. Apparently the top 1% of the rich paying 40% of all taxes isn’t quite their “fair share” and no, I am not one of them.

Setting aside the fact that higher taxes on the rich is a terrible idea for the economy and job creation as a whole, even taxing them to an impossible extreme would not be enough to fix the deficit mess Obama has created. And anyone simple enough to believe that if he is reelected he wont raise taxes on everyone, you will deserve exactly what you get.

In short, this guy has, not once, brought anything new to the table. He was going to be the President that was so brilliant, so educated, so intellectual and so full of great ideas he was going to be on Mount Rushmore, at least that is the way the kool aid drinkers believed. In fact, everything he has tried is the same old tired liberal extremist nonsense that they have tried over and over and it simply doesn’t work. People need to wake up and look at the socialist Europe that the liberal extremists think is so wonderful and realize that the mess in Europe is in is where we are heading if Obama gets his way. And I haven’t touched on what a weak leader he is. That’s another matter entirely.

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