Come to Jesus Meeting, Please

Jul 15, 2011 by John S

Come to Jesus Meeting, Please

If there ever was a need for a “Come to Jesus Meeting” it is now and the place is Washington, DC. There was a day, not all that long ago when people and governments spend only what they had. We sent our friends or neighbors to the capitals to represent us. They looked out for not just us but those that were not even here yet. Sure there may have been backroom deals and fights but what they did in the backroom then would not get a second look today.

This “come to Jesus meeting” needs to take place out in the woodshed. We have a Congress and President that need to have their butts cut. (For any progressives reading, that means they need a spanking that will keep them standing for month or as the ALCU would call it child abuse.) And now is not the time to give them a break on those licks, like the 33% off Clinton got that attention deficit disorder kid in Singapore. We need them to remember this.

House GOP

Cantor stated the Republicans were asking for $6.2 trillion in cuts and that the Democrats want at best $1.5 Trillion in cuts over 10 years. He went on to state that the GOP was going to bring forward a bill call the “Cut Cap and Balance Bill” to put forward a balance approach and began to act like the American people do are their kitchen table.

The President is asking for an additional $20,000 in debt per American Household to get the government though the next election. The House GOP via the Speaker said that without real spending cuts there cannot be a real solution.

House Dems

The House Democrats seem to believe that of Obama. The problem can be solved by increasing taxes on businesses and the rich increasing investing. Translating that from Washington speak that means they want to increase the cost of goods brought from companies, take money away from small business and spend they more because the American people don’t know what they are doing.

House Dems want to close some loop holes, so let us look at jets. Just looking at say a private or corporate jet; the owner has to have it parked, maintained and service, fuel and staffed. That is just the very obvious expenses. So looking at what would happen if that jet is mothballed, parked and not used. They would not need to buy fuel, have a mechanic, use of a ground crew, a pilot and maybe co-pilot, or any other staff. Those people would just get laid off.


The President said that with tax increases and closing loopholes there is not credible plan and that a plan that cuts any services to, basicly, anyone is not credible. The only exceptions seem to be cuts to Department of Defense. He spent months asking for a clean debt limit increase, now he is asking for the GOP and TEA Party plan but with no spending cuts.

Obama said “…we don’t need a balanced budget amendment.” He said that the millionaires and billionaires need to pay their fair share. So that the government may invest (spend more money) programs.

The President, in the first 2 years of his administration, signed off on discretionary spending of about 84% in increases according to Karl Rove.

What to Who?

Maryland wanted the “rich” to pay their fair share, see Millionaires Go Where. The question that should be asked is what percent of income is fair. So looking at the top 20% of income earners, what should be their fair share of federal income tax?

Some people might say that they should provide 50% not 20% of the income tax revenue because they make more money. Looking at the higher rate of the Clinton years they paid in only 81.2 percent of income tax revenue. The Bush rate of a lower tax increased the amount of money that the top 20 percent by 6 percent to 86.3 percent. So if they are paying 86.3 percent of the income tax revenue and the bottom 80 percent are paying less than 14 percent, who is actually paying their fair share. (For other numbers and links see Millionaires Go Where.) What happened to don’t covet thy neighbor?


Millionaires Go Where

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