The Importance of the 2012 Election

Jun 6, 2011 by Dennis C

The Importance of the 2012 Election

I have received quite a bit of negative feedback about my position on some Republican candidates, especially Ron Paul. I am taking this opportunity to possibly make my position clear.

First of all, just like me, all of you are entitled to your opinion and to support anyone you choose. If you like Ron Paul’s position and ideology, so be it. You are entitled to support him, or anyone else. My main point about him and other candidates like him is that he simply cannot attract enough independent voters to win the general election. Independents went for Obama in ’08 big time. And, they are very disillusioned by him and looking for a Republican candidate that they can support. It is these voters that will decide the next election and Ron Paul, and, sorry, Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin and others simply cannot garner their support.

My main point is, and has been all along, that the 2012 election and the defeat of Barak Obama is the most important election this country has had since the election of 1864 when Lincoln was reelected to save the Union. The 2012 election will be, once again, a chance, and maybe our last chance, to again save the Union. We cannot allow Obama and the far left liberal, European-style socialists to continue to march this country to become just another failed, socialist, nanny-state for the sole purpose of making liberals feel good about themselves. It is too important and we dare not blow it by stubbornness over trying to find the ideologically pure candidate. Plus, there is no such person out there that will satisfy everyone.

All of the Republican candidates have the same basic small government, less intrusive government, lower taxes, reduce spending philosophy. Some would like to take it farther than others but, the important thing is that any of them would roll back Obama (Pelosi) Care and put a halt to the Obama, Pelosi, Reid Troika of tax, borrow and spend. The most important thing that conservatives can do is find a candidate who may not be ideologically perfect but can win. Winning the general election isn’t just the most important thing for conservatives, TEA Party Members and Republicans. It is the most important thing for the future of this country!!! Obama has to be defeated.

Look at what is happening in Europe right now. Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Germany (although Germany is trying to stop the bleeding) and other failures. This is where Obama wants to take us and we have to stop him by defeating him at the polls.

That is where I am coming from. Not, who is the candidate that is telling me the things I want to hear the best? It is finding the one that can send President Narcissus into retirement and prevent this country from being destroyed for generations to come.

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