Complete Eisele Interview

May 11, 2011 by Editor Fred D

Complete Eisele Interview

Here are all the questions that were posed to Stephen Eisele.

1.  You appear to have a rather successful life. Why would you give up that life and subject yourself to the rigors of a run for public office?

2.  What would you do to create jobs in the district and America? Please be specific. If you are in favor of using the government to create jobs, please explain how. If you are in favor of the private sector creating jobs, what would you do to use the government to encourage job growth?

3.  The State of California is facing severe financial difficulties, what will you be able to do that will help not just the state but your district?

4.  Do teachers and other public service employees deserve job security that is not generally available in the private sector? Why or why not?

5.  Do you support “H.R. 937, the Rising Tides Act of 2011” as introduced by Rep. Scott? As you know this would cut the corporate tax from 35% to 23% and all eliminate tax penalties for repatriated income from foreign sources. Do you support this measure and why or why not? If why what impact would that have on the local economy?

6.  Do you believe Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other so-called entitlements are viable long term in their current form? Why or, if not, what would you advocate to correct them or should they be eliminated?

7.  What is your stance on drilling oil offshore and/or in ANWAR? What effect if any would this have on oil prices?

7a. The Wall Street Journal interview in September 2008 with now, Dr. Chu, Secretary of Energy, quoted him as saying “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,” Do you agree with this statement?

8.  Do you agree with the President’s handling of Libya and other foreign policy issues? Why or why not and what would you propose?

9.  With NASA ending the space shuttle program, should the government allow private contractors to run a program and have NASA and others subcontract their services? If so, with what restrictions?

10. With the present crisis in Japan, what is your stance on Nuclear Power? Should there be additional restrictions on nuclear plants and if so what?

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