Bambi Saved, Guns Outlawed

Apr 23, 2011 by John S

Bambi Saved, Guns Outlawed

Or Obama & Co Institutes America Holodomor

Holodomor, death by hunger; genocide, was Stalin’s gift to the Ukrainian people in 1932-33. Depending on what numbers you use, the number of Ukrainian people that died by starvation was between 2.4 million and 10 million people. During this time communist Russia was dumping around 1.7 million of tons of grain on the world market.

Ukrainian farmers had rebelled against the collectivism of farms that the Soviets had instituted. Stalin moved to end the resistance to his progressive utopia. The Soviets increase the amount of required production and then seized food, even from homes, when the impossible production numbers could not be achieved.

Our founders had the good sense to give us the Bill of Rights, most important to maintaining freedoms should be argued is amendment 2. They stated that “the security of a free State”; security what an interesting way to phrase. Twenty-seven words, those words are to provide protection for the populace against the forces of despotism.

Why would they make use of the words that were chosen?  “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms.  History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so” this statement, translated into modern English, should bring clarity to the issue. After all these words were spoken by one of the greatest progressives to live in the past 1000 years, that is if you rank them by the number of people that their governments killed. So one could conclude that Adolf Hitler should know what he was talking about.

Those words do show why the founders were correct in their assessment to add them. We should look further back to say the 1760’s; this is a time that would better reflect their premise. Sir William Blackstone’s “Commentaries On The Laws of England” states that an individual’s right to keep and bear arms is a check against despots i.e. tyrannical governments. The right to keep and bear thusly not only predates the Declaration of Independence but is rooted in the history of English Common Law.

The question should be asked why we would trust a government that would encroach on the right to keep and bear. Is it possible that there is a benefit not to keep and bear?  What guarantee is there that our person is protected from despotism? What assurance is there that food will appear without the need to hunt? Surely the Ukrainians would have benefited from being able to hunt.

Now to the real question at hand Cass Sunstein, a member of Obama & Co, why should we trust them to increase or re-regulate firearms? With real inflation, that which includes food and energy, continuing to climb. See “Open Letter of Thanks” for the past year to date increases. They continue to allow devaluing of the dollar. They have us using our food as an energy source and now they talk of new or re-regulation of arms.

Even with this being Easter weekend; God will not be sending steaks, hamburgers and all the fixings from the heavens like manna. The middle class and poor will be in bread lines or even worse. Maybe the time is now to ponder the words of Sunstein and then and only then, after looking back at history to see the effects should we decide what is the best course.

Just remember, when they come for you will there be anyone left to speak out. Should we surrender to the whims of the progressives, to possibly face an America Holodomor.

And now a word from the most intellectual, the great and wonderful potentate, Cass Sunstein as he supremely pontificates on the rights of animals and getting rid of firearms.

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1 Comment

  1. doggy dog

    The second amendment is being used to protect militias and fanatical persons to do harm..


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