Calcutta Cup, NFL, Lesson

Today we will watch England and Scotland. Even as an American, I love the Calcutta Cup playoffs. For those of you who have never seen a rugby match you might be in for a shock. There are no pads, for the most part no helmets and about the only safety measures that are in place, they might have a cup and mouth guard.
I was told once by a friend that played semi-pro football that rugby was to ruff and there was not enough protection. My question was, why would you play a game like that if there are so many bad injuries. He responded that actually the injuries in NFL football were worse because players thought that the protection of the uniform would protect them better.
So could this be construed as nanny state v free enterprise? NFL requires all the helmets and padding for protection and you assume that it is going to protect you, and you take more risks. In rugby you do not have all that, you play and know that you may get hurt, and if you act in the wrong way, it is over and maybe for good. Yet its reported that rugby has fewer career ending injuries.
Yet one needs to remember that the rules of play are different. That does account for the difference in injuries and type of injury. However, if you added NFL uniforms as a requirement for rugby the money would be on increased injuries. It would be no different than making NFL player dress in a uniform from any rugby team. Again the money would be on a change in type of injury.
This still could be a lesson in freedom though because the more that one realizes that it is there backend on the line with less help, the more they pay attention to what they are doing and how they are doing it. You look at the risk assessment and proceed.
So as it is Sunday, may God bless you and if you are watching the match, best of luck to your team.
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