A Solution To Illegal Immigration

May 26, 2011 by Dennis C

A Solution To Illegal Immigration

I have come up with a solution for Arizona’s illegal immigration problem. Every time they catch enough illegal immigrants (oops, sorry, I forgot. That’s no longer the PC label for them. They are now undocumented workers. Seems they simply forgot to pick up their paperwork when they came across the border, illegally in the middle of the night) to fill up a bus, drive them to San Francisco and let them out. It has to be cheaper than getting the Federal Government under the Obama admin to do their job or keep, house and feed them. And it has to be easier on Arizona’s state welfare and health care budgets and what the hell, California is broke anyway. What’s a couple million more mouths for them to feed?

Who could whine (liberals, of course) about it being unconstitutional? Who would complain about a free ride to the Sunshine State and it’s glorious welfare system? And besides, San Francisco has an open arms policy so, they should embrace the idea. In fact, if it were up to me, I would drive them right up to the steps of City Hall, open the bus doors, point and say, “right there, free things! Every thing is free. Go on in. They are waiting for you.” Wouldn’t that make everyone happy?

Or maybe find out the home addresses of the mayor, sheriff, chief of police and members of the city council who created this sanctuary city, eff the law attitude and drop them off at their homes. I’m betting some of these far left looney tunes would change their attitude but quick if this really started to affect them in their neighborhoods. They might have to set down their champagne flutes, get out of their limos and deal with the mess they are making.

Why not other states as well? Any other state that believes illegal immigration is illegal should get on this. What’s the cost of chartering a bus, filling up with illegals (oops, sorry again, undocumented workers) and driving them to San Francisco? Or, Sacramento and dropping them off at the Capitol? Plus, there are plenty of other places in California that welcome them with open arms. Other ‘sanctuary cities’ as well. Los Angeles comes to mind. You want ‘em? You got ‘em. Sounds like a win-win to me.

And before the liberal whiners start labeling me a racist, is this really more absurd than what is going on now?

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  1. doggy dog

    Do not give nothing back just pack up and leave this is and will always be maxican territory your lease is soon to be up.” get out now”..

    • TeaPartyCheer

      You spelled Mexican wrong.

    • Dennis C

      This is not and has not been for a long time, Mexican (note the spelling) territory. It was purchased, that’s right, we paid for it, a long time ago. Yours is an extremely weak and nonsensical argument.

      Plus, if you really want to be living on Mexican territory, head south. No one will stop you, except maybe the Mexican government. Their immigration policies are a lot worse than ours. There, they put you in a Mexican prison. Here, you get welfare and free medical care especially in California.

      • doggy dog

        Pay who? I never got no check..East coast go to the east.

        • Richard H

          DD: the mexican government got the check many, many years ago. Got a problem with it? go talk to them, it is no longer ours to deal with.

  2. doggy dog

    Any territory before the mexican war we want back all of you from the old world please stay on the east coast.the nation runs on california and yes we might be broke but at
    least the country is broke just like everyone else so shut up get up go to work and if you are to old to contribute shut up you are going to die soon anyways leave the politics to the new generation we are the ones who have to live with them and the new politics of the next generation do not need your old school ways shit no..

  3. doggy dog


  4. doggy dog

    All you are doing Dennis is selling t-shirts you have nothing other than to cash in on the insecurities of few unhappy tea party members> Tea party it was a cry when Boston said no to the British and now the new tea party is crying against the U S A Gov.Wow!
    Obama is King kneel before him you poor souls.Remember> When the going gets tough the tough don’t start crying..


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