Liberal Cluelessness

Apr 4, 2011 by Dennis C

Liberal Cluelessness

There is an editorial from a New York Times columnist, Gail Collins, being distributed by the Times that I read today and it is a great example of the smugness, arrogance and ‘we know what’s best for everyone’ cluelessness that grips all liberals. In it, she ridicules people, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann R-MN especially but others as well, because Bachmann is against the government forcing everyone to buy lightbulbs that liberals and other assorted self-proclaimed environmentalists claim are better for us.

Ms Collins obviously believes that since she and others have decided those types of bulbs are better than incandescent lightbulbs that have worked just fine since Edison invented them, then what is the big deal? What is wrong with using the government to force everyone to use them? After all, libs always know what’s best and, especially the snobbish, elitist, NY Times east coast variety should always be listened to and the unwashed of America (those that aren’t the snobbish, elitist, NY Times east coast variety) should simply follow their betters and do as they are told.

Even if what the smug Ms Collins says is true, typically, she totally misses the point. That is that people are getting tired of her and her holier than thou lib crusaders telling us all how to live. Why can’t these snobs get it through their tiny little heads that most of us want to be left alone! Not only that but, show me a single idea these hanky wringers have come up with that actually worked and was more efficient and cost less than the alternative. It never happens. The main reason for that is, of course, that whatever ‘idea’ libs come up with the real purpose of it is to make themselves feel good. They can give themselves a big hug because they are so compassionate and well meaning. Or at least so they have convinced themselves.

Finally, I have had personal experience with these alleged ‘wonder bulbs’ the libs are going to force on us and I am not buying a word of the BS they are selling. I have personally tried at least a dozen of these bulbs and not one lasted any longer than a conventional incandescent bulb. In fact, almost none of them lasted as long. Despite what they claim, the amount of light they gave off is not as good, I have eyes and can see for myself. But, I will give the libs their due. They are being honest when they do admit, which they certainly can’t deny, that the wonder bulbs cost 4 to 5 times as much. Also, since the advocates of the wonder bulbs are wrong about everything else they have ever forced on us, I seriously doubt they are more energy efficient. But, the libs, as they always do, know what’s best for us and these silly people who are trying to prevent the government from forcing these on us are simple, misguided children who should listen to their betters. Right Ms Collins?

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  • Edison
  • Gail Collins
  • incandescent
  • lightbulbs
  • Michele Bachmann
  • New York Times

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