Obama Writes Off FL

Mar 31, 2011 by Editor Fred D

Obama Writes Off FL

It looks like Obama is writing off one the states that he may need next year. Is there some reason that he is letting the EPA run wild in Florida?  Florida has mounted a state effort to mend their economy and lower unemployment.

The EPA water rules could undermine all that the state has been doing. Not to mention the costs to the private sector. Those costs will be passed on to others. Florida is one of the largest producers of cows. These rules could affect the cost of raising those cows. Bottom line is that hamburger that you buy at the store will be going up in price. That impacts not just the citizens of Florida, but all states.

Free Market Florida, has said it best. They have done this in what they are calling a new mission.

Free Market Florida has a new video out and it starts:

“Imagine that you own a restaurant, and the health department tells you that the floors on which you walk need to be as clean as the plates on which you serve food,” Houck says in the ad, looking directly at the camera. “Then you open the newspaper and find out that someone’s suing a fast food restaurant because their 99-cent cheeseburgers aren’t as good as a $40 steak at a fancy restaurant. That’s crazy, right?”

Now it cuts to Houck standing in front of a drainage canal.

“Now what if I told you taxpayers, businesses, farmers and consumers had to spend billions of dollars to make drainage canals like this one every bit as clean as the water here (video cuts to Houck in front of a river) in the Wekiva River … It may sound absurd, but it’s about to happen right here in Florida.”

See the video here. From there site:

“A study by the University of Florida and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services concludes that these regulations would directly cost Florida’s agricultural community roughly $1 billion each year, with additional indirect costs also exceeding $1 billion. The study goes on to indicate that implementation of these special interest-driven regulations could put more than 14,000 agricultural workers out of a job. You can read the complete study by clicking here. You can also read the the report by Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection, which puts the cost between $6 and $12 billion, by clicking here.”

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  1. JF

    This could be the single most stupid thing I have read all year. Trying to keep cow feces out of the water supply? Bad, bad government. If either party gave a damn about jobs they’d repeal NAFTA.

  2. Walter Eagle

    Anyone for a nice cool glass of bovine fecal material?


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