Clearly the Tea Party is making great strides and their philosophy of smaller government, lower taxes and more individual freedom, accountability and responsibility is becoming very effective. The liberals have gone from branding them racists to terrorists and now, the enemy. Apparently this gaggle of self-proclaimed purveyors of open mindedness, diversity of thought and opinion and inclusiveness are only this way toward those who fully and totally tow their ideological line. This hypocrisy has been quite evident for a long time and now it is finally come out into the open. All because the Tea Party ‘racists, terrorists and enemies of the liberal elitists’ have taken to exercising their Constitutional rights to be heard and, more importantly, listened to and are saying enough to out of control government.
And why are the libs so upset? Because for decades they have pursued a philosophy of every problem has a solution. In the interest of ‘fairness’ (and I have no idea what that word means and neither does anyone else) every perceived injustice has the right to be remedied. Every mistake that anyone makes should be rectified and all of these are to be done by the same method. And what is their remedy for every problem? Shoveling money at it of course. Especially someone else’s money.
As an example, let’s look at poverty in America. In the mid-60s, Lyndon Johnson declared a war on poverty. At the time the poverty rate was 14%. Since then we have poured multiple trillions of dollars (that’s right, trillions with a T) at the war on poverty and, according to the 2010 census the poverty rate stood at (drum roll please) 14.3%. It doesn’t seem to have made much difference, does it?
Now, a rational adult would look at this and think that this enormous amount of spending has not worked very well and maybe it is time we took a fresh look at this problem. Liberal money shovelers look at the same results and what is their take on this news? What is their solution? Well, they would say, it is obvious. We haven’t shoveled enough money at it! We need to shovel more! And, even though their way of doing things has almost bankrupted the government, their solution to this is obvious as well. Raise taxes on people who are successful and give it to people who aren’t and have no interest in ever becoming successful because it is ‘fair’.
Along comes the Tea Party, basically honest, hardworking middle Americans who have had enough of this nonsense and what do the libs and their media toadies call them? Racists, terrorists and the enemy. Hang in there all of you Tea Party terrorists. It’s working.
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