King Obama and His Jesters

Rex lex (Latin for: the King is law) has been in decline, in Anglo history, since 1215 when King John of England acquiesced and sign the Magna Carta. Complete rejection of rex lex in the Americas was reaffirmed in the adaption of a second constitution in 1788, thus insuring lex rex (Latin for: the law is king) in the United States of America.
Teaching constitutional law one would think that you would know the difference between rex lex and lex rex. However, Obama is cherry picking the laws that he wishes to enforce and whom they will be enforced upon. Thus he is returning to the time of absolute rule or that of a despot.
It is of little wonder that Obama is able to get away with it. Years of progressive leaders have cemented the way. When the congress does not pass certain legislation that the White House wants they just seem to do it via regulation.
It is not possible to have a rule of law when the enforcer-in-chief is picking what laws are enforced and to whom they apply. With an education system that has become complacent, either through direct influence or years of infiltration, younger adults are not being taught about the intent of the framers not to mention that they are not being introduced to the founders’ writings.
What we have gotten are citizens that are unaware of the history of their government. They are told that they are entitled to just about everything. They believe that they have minimal responsibility in their lives and that the government shall provide for the.
They could not tell you the difference between an elected member of Congress from a state, a Delegate or a Resident Commissioner. Without a basic understanding of the membership; how could they be expected to understand the responsibilities of their government?
From the street…
From a judge…
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