Last Second Event – Good Opportunity

Below is from the Ohio Tea Party Newsletter
Anyone in Oxford area, you may want to take a look at this event.
Dear Fellow Citizens and Taxpayers,
After the recent political circus known as the debt ceiling debate, I’m sure you are looking for some common sense, maybe even some Reason in the discourse.
Look no further than two of the greatest thinkers of our time- Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch from Reason will be in Oxford, OH this weekend discussing their new book – Declaration of Independents. For anyone who doesnt know Nick Gillespie or Reason TV, Magazine or Foundation – you are missing something really special. Apart from Nick and Matt being very frequent Fox News contributors, Reason is truly the home of free minds and free markets, and has been a favorite in the liberty minded community for years. In this new book, Declaration of Independents, Matt Welch and Nick Gillespie, focus on the idea that Americans don’t really fit into the two party system very easily anymore. In fact, we really focus more on specific issues and principles to which most people gravitate. The world is changing rapidly, and the old two party system hasnt just failed us, but it doesn’t even fit the free market for free minds. This isn’t a call for a “third party,” it’s a reminder that Americans want something more than what the politicians in both parties have been selling, and we are now doing more things independent of the parties. I think the tea party movement has made this point loud and clear. Hearing and talking about this idea would be a great opportunity for anyone unsure about this new way of thinking we all embraced long ago, so definitely send this invite to a friend….or at least send to any students you know at Miami University. I can assure you this message will resonate with them. If you have time over the weekend try to catch Nick and Matt: Time: 3.30pm til 5.00pm Address: 10 South College Avenue, Oxford, OH If you can’t attend, definitely check out these resources: - Book: Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What’s Wrong with America - Subscribe to Reason Magazine Here! |
Chris Littleton
Co-Founder, Ohio Liberty Council
A Commitment to America
We the People of the United States of America, reclaiming our inalienable rights, demand that Congress bring an end to the out-of-control spending of our tax dollars and the intrusive growth of the Federal Government.
To this end, we demand that Members of Congress do the following:
1. Stop the massive spending that is bankrupting America. Start with no new bailouts. Roll back federal spending to 2007 levels and cap annual spending growth at the rate of inflation plus population growth.
2. Vote for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that also requires a 2/3 supermajority to raise taxes. 3. Repeal or defund the government takeover of our health care. Start over with health care reform that is patient centered and reduces – not raises – our health care costs. 4. Vote against increased taxation, including energy taxes and value added taxes. 5. Require “sunset” provisions for every spending program passed and every agency created by Congress. 6. Legislate limits on excessive agency rule making by requiring that Congress vote to approve all major new rules. 7. Demonstrate legislative transparency. Five days in advance of a vote, post online all bills, resolutions and conference reports. Require roll call votes on all measures that spend money. 8. Hold no votes in a “lame duck” session that would increase spending, taxes or regulation. This would include, for example, cap and trade, card check and immigration. 9. Abide by the principle that any law that does not apply to Congress or its staff does not apply to the American people. 10. Provide specific citations from the Constitution for any legislation introduced.
Members of Congress must remember that they derive their just powers from and serve by consent of the governed.
The premise of every law enacted by Congress must be that the American people know best how to conduct their own affairs.
— End Commitment to America
It’s just that simple. It’s a commitment to start fixing the insanity that has become the United States Congress.
What you can do?
Call your congressmen and simply ask – Will you make this commitment to me?
Talk to candidates and tell them, can the rhetoric. Will you commit to supporting these things?
We’ve heard that the tea party movement is about anger, fear, racism, blah, blah, blah. This is a great starting point for some very specific things we could support, not just oppose.
But, its going to require you telling every congressmen and every candidate – this is what I want from you.
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