States Returning ObamaCare Grants

Last April Oklahoma returned $54.6 million in early innovator grant, Kansas did the same on Tuesday. That brings the total money, federal grants, to almost $90 million that have been returned to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Reuters report yesterday.”Every state should be preparing for fewer federal resources, not more,” Governor Brownback said in a statement. “To deal with that reality, Kansas needs to maintain maximum flexibility. That requires freeing Kansas from the strings attached to the Early Innovator Grant.”
Lawsuits Background
The 26 states are in Federal Appellate Court now. The Obama Administration had appealed from the ruling in Florida that struck down the entire ObamaCare law. The Virginia case is presently on the rocket docket. In both cases the US District Judge ruled the heart of the law unconstitutional; however, in the Florida case the Judge ruled the entire law unconstitutional.
Virginia had passed a law that stated, to the effect, a citizen of Virginia could not be forced to purchase healthcare. Virginia had enacted their law before ObamaCare was passed.
On Virginia case moving forward, in the beginning.
Most Recent Court Standing
Back to the States
Jan. 1, 2013 is the deadline that the states are due to have a detailed plan submitted, to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, explaining their ObamaCare exchanges. Without the states setting up their own plan the Department of HHS will be forced to do such.
Reuters is reporting that only about one third of the states have legislation in place for ObamaCare. The states in the Florida case have been told that the whole law is unconstitutional. With revenues for the states being tight at this time, one might think it prudent that all implementation of ObamaCare stop until the Supreme Court rules. Some states are going to be out time and money when this is over.
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