Michelle Bachmann’s Biggest Fan – Barak Obama

Jul 14, 2011 by Dennis C

Michelle Bachmann’s Biggest Fan – Barak Obama

There is one person in America who is a huge fan of Michelle Bachmann and is praying daily for her to win the Republican nomination and his name is Barak Obama. He, and the kool aid drinkers, must know that his best chance, in fact probably his only chance, to be re-elected is if she is his opponent.

Let me be clear. I have nothing against Michelle Bachmann either personally or her political ideology. This assessment has nothing to do with her except her electability. If she is the Republican nominee, Obama will win by at least 8-10 points, easily. She simply will not be able to draw enough support from independents to win. Remember, it is not liberals or conservatives that decide these elections. It is independent voters and they went for Obama in a big way and won the election for him in ’08.

All of the indicators are saying that independents are looking for a candidate to replace Obama. They, like most adults who aren’t caught up in the emotional, feel good nonsense of this guy, are very disillusioned with him. But, a candidate Bachmann is not going to draw them to her. Plus, the liberal media will go after her viciously and paint her as an extremist goofball (not my words, theirs). Also, her political resume is very thin. She has virtually no significant achievements in the House, has never held an executive position (e.g. Governor of a state) and spent almost $10 million and barely won re-election from her own district.

She plays well with conservatives on social and fiscal issues but isn’t really that much more in tune with conservatives on these issues than any other candidate. Finally, try to imagine her actually governing as President. It is not going to happen. Independents and the liberal media won’t let it. She’ll probably do well in Iowa and after that, she may as well go home. She will prove, again, that all of the buzz surrounding Iowa is just that. Buzz. Wining in Iowa really isn’t a big deal. It just happens to be the first contest and a small one at that.

Let’s all try to remember these things before we get too carried away supporting her or any other candidate that can’t win the general election. The important thing, the true, must have goal, is to replace Obama before he totally turns this country into another socialist failure just to make him and his kool aid drinking media toadies feel good about themselves. This election is too important to throw away by trying to find the most ideologically pure candidate that can’t win.

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  1. So, who are we supposed to support… a RINO? That’s not the point of the Tea Party.

    • Dennis C

      I seriously doubt you speak for the entire Tea Party. But, in case you do, a couple of points. 1. This nonsense about RINOs. Who exactly was it that determined the checklist that someone must score a 100% positive on in order to call themselves a Republican? Was that you? And what exactly are the criteria that have been established for ideological purity for someone to call themselves a Republican? 2. You can support anyone you want. That’s America. But, be prepared for four more years of Obama, and don’t complain when it happens, if you opt for purity rather than electability in a candidate. A Bachmann nomination assures an Obama victory party.


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