Progressive Lunacy and Obama

An estimated $2.2 trillion a year in revenue coming into the Department of Treasury and about $1 trillion in stimulus spending to put people to work and what is there to show. Unemployment is up from 9.1% to 9.2%. A federal borrowing limit that is maxed out and over 200,000 new hire employees in the last 2 years.
Good news, not really, though comes from the banking sector. “Under policy changes announced Thursday, mortgage companies that collect payments on loans backed by the Federal Housing Administration will be required to offer 12 months of forbearance for qualified unemployed borrowers. Firms that participate in the Obama administration’s Home Affordable Modification Program will also be pressed to offer up to 12 months of forbearance for unemployed borrowers, though that effort could be stymied by regulatory or contractual rules,” to quote from the Wall Street Journal.
A State
But if you think Washington is losing it wait till you read this list from 7News the ABC affiliate in Denver. This list was taken from suggested rules changes in Day-Care by the Colorado Department of Human Services:
- Children over 2 years old shall be served 1 percent, 2 percent or skim milk (unless directed in writing by a child’s health care provider)
- Juice shall be limited to 4 to 6 ounces per day for children over 1 year of age and must be 100 percent juice
- TV and computer time shall be limited to 20 minutes per day unless its a special occasion
- Doll shall represent three races
- Requires child care providers and children take at least 1 physical education class per year
- Each child must have an assigned caregiver
- Nursery staff members must wear clothing that covers the lap and shoulders
- Children must be offered food at intervals not more than 3 hours apart
Click here for the “DRAFT–PROPOSED CHILD CARE CENTER RULES–04/28/11–DRAFT” and here for the PowerPoint “PROPOSED Child Care Center Rules.”
Lunacy is running rampant not just in Washington but in the states. They are trying to control every aspect of one’s life. The questions are simple and there need be but two of them: are they going to usurp every right and choice that one has in their everyday life for complete state control and the other, when will they understand that there is no money to do it.
Economy and Elections
In 1988 President George H.W. Bush said “Read my lips! No new taxes!” a pledge, that was dishonored and he was fired. In 2010, 235 Republican House signed a pledge not to raise taxes, they were hired. Now comes, Obama and the rest of the progressives saying that we have to raise taxes. When the American public hired the republicans in congress it was because they were told that the GOP was the party of small government and low taxes.
We had almost 2 years of complete out of control government in Washington before elections reined it in somewhat. No real economic school of thought believes that higher taxes are the solution. Even Keynesian would agree with supply-side that higher taxes in a slumping economy are not the solution. History proves that point otherwise Zimbabwe would be the world’s super power.
The republicans elected in 2010 promised us no tax increases and a smaller government and its time that we got it. We have peacetime spending of around 25 percent of GDP with the progressives planning even more government hiring. That coming disaster has always brought down its self. With over $2 trillion a year coming in the coffers it is time that Washington lived within its budget.
They first step they need to take is cut their salaries and staff. Next they need to layoff government employees and cut their salaries. Lastly spend just what they take in the door. If anyone that has a problem with that they should get a job in the private sector. Since these progressives have given us a worse economy it is time to try something else.
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