Rape and Murder: Mexico & Obama v Texas

July 7, 2012 is the date set for Humberto Leal Garcia, 38, to receive lethal injection for the rape and murder of a 16 year old girl in 1994. The International Court of Justice, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, ruled in March 2004 that the United States was ordered to “take all measures necessary” to stop sentences from being carried out. However the US Supreme Court ruled otherwise in the case of Jose Medellin.
The following is from a BBC report dated 6 July 2011:
President George W Bush told Texas officials they should comply with the ICJ order but the Supreme Court ruled that he had overstepped his authority.
In August 2008, Texas, which argued that its courts were not bound by the rulings of the ICJ, executed Mexican Jose Medellin.
With the Texas parole board’s decision, Leal’s fate now rests with Governor Rick Perry or the Supreme Court.
Mr Perry’s office has said he has no plans to stop the execution.
“if you commit the most heinous of crimes in Texas, you can expect to face the ultimate penalty under our laws, as in this case,” spokeswoman Katherine Cesinger said.
A Petition for Clemency was filed with the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles. (Click here to read the Humberto Leal Garcia Petition for Clemency filed with the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles.) The BPP has rejected his petition. Governor Rick Perry has one option, if he chooses to interfere with the verdict, court rulings and the BPP, he may issue a stay. This is unlikely at this time has he did not interfere in the Medellin case.
Obama has requested that the Texas ignore the Supreme Court’s past ruling and stop the execution. As Texas has not Department of Justice has filed an Amicus Brief in the Supreme Court and asks that they grant a stay of the sentence.
The breach of international obligations would “have serious repercussions for United States foreign relations, law-enforcement and other cooperation with Mexico, and the ability of American citizens traveling abroad to have the benefits of consular assistance in the event of detention,” Solicitor General Donald B.Verrilli, Jr. wrote in an amicus brief filed with the court. (To read the amicus brief in the Leal case click here.)
We are not obligated to do anything that the U.N. demands. We should pull out of the U.N. and keep our sovereignty intact. Why Bush and Obama bends over for the U.N. is because they are globalist. They believe in this one world order BS. They are not loyal patriots in my opinion. It is really a sad thing to have to say about a President and ex-President, but it is true.
It does not seem to me that anyone in the UN has taken into account what the little girl who was raped and brutally murdered felt during her ordeal with this animal. It appears that the Obama administration has taken a position of non incarceration of the most evil and vile of society and Clemency for all illegals who commit any crime against an American citizen. From the other side of the two faced liar in chief an American can now be held without cause or charges for an undetermined amount of time (for ever) without council or contact with anyone just because someone thinks they might commit a crime sometime in the next 10 years. This is the practices of a totalitarian tyrannical government and this is also a violation of the human rights law that is suppose to be supported by the UN. Where is the members of Congress on these matters? Have they taken the Obama poison pill of lies or succumbed to their threats or are they on a mental vacation? What type of legal system is the liar in chief trying to impose on the American public? It is time to take a stand against this council of evil and degradation and all who support imposing this unconstitutional practice of denial of God given right’s and freedom’s. It is time to impeach this tyrannical liar in chief and his entire council and throw the UN out of our country.