Missing Meat, Lesson of Dem Help

It was the early 1930’s. My grandfather had gone out to the smokehouse that was just behind his house. Whole hams and pieces of meat hung in the building; the meat was cured as it was the only way to store it for months at the time. He noticed that some meat was missing. He said to my grandmother that they should think about a lock. But that would not be the case.
Every often meat would disappear, but jams, jars of fruits and vegetables and other items would be left in place of the missing meat. Life was different then. This most likely would not be the outcome today.
They, like their neighbors, would hide livestock for fear that government would order them killed. The progressives had moved at this time to control the citizenry. This time it was to be more so than Wilson had dreamed. Had it not been for European gold and war they may not have survived into the 1940’s.
Now the present form of those early progressives is back, they are worse than before. They have spent in such a way that would make the progressives of Wilson, Hoover, and FDR’s administration proud. They have intervened in our lives in ways that the early progressives would have thought impossible.
What they have learned is that fear is their best friend and an instrument more prefect than the sharpest sword. Just look at what they have done recently. Republicans are going to take Medicare from Senior Citizens. Yet, they are the ones that have Medicare on a fast track to bankruptcy and with their IPAB in place; they guarantee “death panels.”
They, regardless of party, have put us on the path to achieve the great and wondrous present economic powerhouse of Greece. Wait that utopian dream has crashed and is burning worse than Chernobyl. Yet they continue to say spend and regulate.
We need to return to what has worked, we need to look at the Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge administrations. Harding and Coolidge came to office in March 1921 on their heels was the depression of 1920-21. Most people have not heard of it, but chances are good that they are familiar with the byproduct Harding/Coolidge, the Roaring Twenties.
Curious about what the government did, nothing, they did nothing, except cutting taxes and the size of government. Andrew Mellon, Secretary of Treasury, had done a study on how to increase collections into the Treasury. The study revealed that if income taxes where cut from nearly 80% to a lower number they would increase collections. Taxes on the upper income were cut to about 25% in 1925.
So the choice that is coming next is year is simple. We choose to have a government imposed depression and re-elect Obama. If that is not to your choosing, we find a small government candidate that has read and understands the constitution, will reduce taxes and cut the size of government. If you choose Obama you may need to find someone with a smokehouse.
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