Corrine Brown – Bio – (D-FL-3)

Corrine Brown Congresswoman Florida District 3
Corrine Brown Biography from
Biography of Corrine Brown
Corrine Brown was elected to Congress from the Third District of Florida in 1992. She is a public servant who prides herself on delivering the goods and services of the federal government to her constituents.
A native of Jacksonville, Florida, Congresswoman Brown served in the Florida House of Representatives for ten years before coming to Washington. Congresswoman Brown attended the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University where she earned a Bachelor of Science Degree. She also received a Master’s Degree and an Education Specialist Degree from the University of Florida. and an Honorary Doctor of Law Degree from Edward Waters College. She has been a faculty member at Florida Community College of Jacksonville, the University of Florida, and Edward Waters College.
As a result of Brown’s commitment to bringing the services of Washington back to Florida, communities throughout the Third District have been able to access resources previously unavailable to them. Brown was reelected to the U.S. House of Representatives for a tenth term in November 2010. In the 112th Congress, she will serve as the Ranking Member of the Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials and as a senior member of the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, as well as the Subcommittee on Water & Environment. Ms. Brown will also continue to serve on the Committee on Veterans Affairs and the VA Subcommittee on Health.
Committees & Caucuses
Congresswoman Brown has been a member of the Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure since coming to Congress. In the 110th and 11th Congresses, Brown was picked to Chair the Transportation Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials. This subcommittee is very important to Florida and the Third District because of its jurisdiction over the passenger and freight rail industry, which plays a vital role in Florida’s economy. In the 112th Congress, Ms. Brown will also serve on the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee, and the Water & Environment Subcommittee.
During her tenure in Congress, Brown has been a Member of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. She has always championed legislation expanding the health and long-term care benefits that America’s veterans’ receive, improving veterans’ education benefits, and expediting claims processing. In the 112th Congress, she will serve on the Health subcommittee.
Congressional Human Rights Caucus
Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues
Congressional Missing and Exploited Children’s Caucus
Congressional Diabetes Caucus
Older Americans Caucus
Progressive Caucus
Biography from Friends of Corrine Brown Campaign
Legislative Career
“The mayors of Jacksonville, Orlando, Daytona Beach, St. Augustine, Welaka, and Lake City give me an A+ for all we’ve accomplished by working together.” Corrine Brown
From Florida House of Representatives to U.S. House of Representatives
Corrine Brown served in the Florida House of Representatives for ten years before going to Capitol Hill. She was elected to Congress from the Third District of Florida in 1992, and was reelected to the U.S. House of Representatives for a ninth term in November 2008. A public servant who prides herself on delivering the goods and services of the federal government to her constituents, Brown has helped communities throughout the Third District to access federal resources.
When she was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1992, Brown focused on the economics of her entire district including Jacksonville, Orlando, Daytona Beach, and St. Augustine. She began working with mayors, military officials, labor unions, corporate executives, educators, and countless dedicated citizens to provide more jobs, build new facilities, shore up education facilities in poor areas, and work with higher educational institutions in her district.
Such projects include Veterans Administrative hospitals, clinics, public schools, facilities at Florida State College at Jacksonville (formerly Florida Community College) including a military long distance learning program for military personnel, Jacksonville University’s Marine Science Research Institute, University of Florida’s cooperative effort with Shands Teaching Hospital, buildings at Edward Waters College, Bethune Cookman College learning centers, and bridges, roads, highways, seaports, and airports.
Brown favors excellent education for all children, great health care coverage for all citizens, and a solution to the current mortgage crisis.
Representative Brown worked ceaselessly to ensure that Jacksonville’s Navel Depot would not be closed, successfully having it removed from the Department of Defense downsizing list in 1994.
“The mayors of Jacksonville, Orlando, Daytona Beach, St. Augustine, Welaka, and Lake City give me an A+ for all we’ve accomplished by working together.”
Whether or not media reporting appropriately credits Representative Brown for successful projects only encourages her to move on to the next issue to ensure its success! Her constituents know that she works diligently for them. She declares, “Every two years, my constituents go to the polls and give me the only report card that really matters. Every one of those votes is important to me!”
Being initially elected and subsequently reelected by her constituents is an honor for Brown, encouraging her to move forward with economic issues. She knows the importance of having a good education and a good job. She’s pleased that her district continues to be one of the fastest growing in the nation, although current economic declines have affected Florida, as well as the rest of the country.
Delivering Transportation Projects Vital to Florida’s Economy
Brown has been a member of the Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure since going to Congress. Early in the 110th Congress, Brown was picked to Chair the Transportation Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials. This subcommittee is very important to Florida and the Third District because of its jurisdiction over the passenger and freight rail industry, which plays a vital role in Florida’s economy.
Delivering More Transportation Dollars to Florida
Representative Brown has been critical in the fight to get Florida its share of transportation money. For years, Florida has been a donor state to the Highway Trust Fund and the Airport Improvement Program. Brown was a leader in the fight to change transportation funding through an initiative called “SafeTea-21,” which returns more transportation money to populous states like Florida and Texas. As a result, Florida now receives a 57% increase in transportation funding.
Delivering Funding for Florida’s Airports and other Port Facilities
Brown is also a member of the Subcommittee on Aviation and the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation. She successfully lobbied to change the language in the Airport Improvement Program so that Florida’s airports receive more funding from the FAA. In the 110th Congress, Brown obtained millions of dollars in transportation funding for the third district.
Delivering on Railroads, High Speed Rail, Amtrak, and Safety Issues for Florida
In the 111th Congress, the Representative Brown will remain as the Chair of the Transportation Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials. She will ensure that both the Amtrak Reauthorization and the Rail Road Safety legislation enacted at the end of the 110th Congress are fully and appropriately implemented. Her subcommittee will concentrate on the oversight of pipeline and hazardous material programs and agencies, including reauthorizing the Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety program. The Subcommittee will also focus on reauthorizing the Surface Transportation Board, funding rail infrastructure improvements throughout the nation’s transportation system, and developing domestic High Speed Rail.
Delivering Help for Working Families
Since coming to Congress, Representative Brown has repeatedly fought for the issues that are critical to working families. Whether it is fighting for improvements in public education or quality child care, Brown has always voted to protect working families. She joined the fight to add 100,000 new teachers to our schools, and she was one of the leaders in fighting for an increase in the minimum wage. She also fought to pass the Family and Medical Leave Act. She joined then-President Clinton in supporting the effort to put 100,000 new police officers on the street in 1994. In the 110th Congress, Brown was a key supporter to obtain passage of COPS reauthorization, which will allow for the hiring of up to 50,000 new police officers nationwide over the next six years, and an additional 3,187 police officers in Florida.
Delivering for Veterans
April 20, 2009, Congresswoman Brown presses the Committee for a VA medical facility for Jacksonville that is long overdue.
During her tenure in Congress, Brown has been a Member of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. She has championed the rights of veterans and called for better funding for veterans health care programs. In the 111th Congress, Brown will serve on the Health Subcommittee. As the former Ranking Member on Oversight and Investigation, Brown presided over twenty hearings on issues relating to veterans services, health care and the VA’s readiness for the new millennium. She also called the first hearing since 1994 on issues concerning women veterans. Upon realizing the limited space for veterans’ burial in Florida, Brown introduced legislation in the 106th Congress that was later passed to establish a new national cemetery in south Florida and was instrumental in establishing a National Cemetery in Jacksonville. Brown also introduced legislation to expand and improve the National Veteran’s Cemetery system. She championed legislation expanding the health and long-term care benefits that America’s veterans receive, improving veterans’ education benefits, and expediting claims processing. Brown has received the endorsement of the Veterans of Foreign Wars PAC, and a “Legislative Leadership Award” from the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans. She also worked to secure funding for the new Veterans’ Outpatient Clinic in Jacksonville. She was active in obtaining the largest increase in the Veterans Affairs budget in its history, in which she got an additional $51.5 million in funding for the Gainesville VA Medical Center, as well as funding for the new Orlando VA Medical Center, which has just begun construction.
Delivering on the Environment
Brown has also fought to protect environmental resources in her district and across the country. Because of her advocacy, Brown has received accolades by the National Parks and Conservation Association, the Sierra Club, the League of Conservation Voters and Florida Public Interest Research Group. One of the most important environmental successes for Brown was securing the American Heritage River designation for the St. Johns River, which spans the length of the Third District. This designation was awarded to 14 rivers across the country and it has been highly beneficial for the St. Johns River community. In addition to bringing together communities from Orlando to Jacksonville, the American Heritage River designation has helped these communities win federal resources to improve the river’s quality. Brown also led the effort in Congress to have Lake Apopka included in the additional list of lakes added to the Clean Lakes Program. Brown has also been instrumental in the battle to keep oil drilling from Florida’s shores.
In disaster emergency situations, as in the photo above, CORRINE DELIVERS sound advice and emergency assistance. She has a cool head and a big heart. She says, “I remember my grandmother’s sweet potato pie with a slice for each of us. Today I’m working hard for Florida, so we ALL get a slice of the pie!”
- Committed to BUSINESS GROWTH and to creating HIGH PAYING JOBS
- Committed to maintaining a STRONG MILITARY PRESENCE throughout Florida
- Committed to VETERANS HEALTH CARE, hospitals, clinics throughout Florida
- Served Ten years in the Florida House of Representatives
- Reelected to the United States Congress since 1992
- Successful in Making Florida A
- LEADER in Transportation Systems
- Fighting For justice and equality, Regardless of race or gender
- Committed to excellent, affordable Health care for ALL citizens
- Fighting for fair housing and Mortgage lending procedures
- Committed to Fair Labor Standards and a living wage
- Committed to Green Industries and Clean, creative energy solutions
Fighting for Florida’s schools and Teachers
By Corrine Brown, Member of Congress, (D) Fl 3rd Congressional District
Serving the people of Florida is my passion. Having served Florida’s 3rd Congressional District for the past seventeen years, I know my record stands out among all of the candidates. As an agressive advocate for my district, I’ve helped create tens of thousands of good paying jobs; and I work each day to bring your fair share of your tax dollars back home to Florida. I’ve improved education by hiring more teachers and reducing class sizes, worked to get the COPS program to Florida with an additional 100,000 cops, and passed the largest increase in veterans’ health care in the history of the United States. I’ve fought to keep Florida’s military bases open, and I will continue to fight for a strong military presence in Florida, especially in my district.nbsp; I believe my record of not just talking about Florida’s needs, but of delivering for YOU and YOUR FAMILY is why I should continue my important work in the House of Representatives.
For years, Florida has been a donor state to the Highway Trust Fund and Airport Improvement Program. I was a leader in the fight to change transportation funding through “SafeTea-21,” which returns 57% more transportation money to Florida. Florida remains a donor state and needs a fighter to continue delivering for Florida in the House of Representatives and to drive our tax dollars home for schools, veterans, seniors, families, and our military and business communities!
Today our families face many problems, including job loss, high mortgage rates, and foreclosures! More than ever our citizens need a proven leader with a strong voice in the U.S. House of Representatives to continue fighting every day for Florida’s 3rd Congressional district, one who delivers the goods! In times like these with America’s economic difficulties, it’s more important than ever to have a determined negotiator with proven delivery skills at the table for YOU in Congress.
Women’s health issues are a primary concern for me. From better pre-natal care to mammogram testing to better elderly care, the needs of women have been ignored too long and must be addressed starting now. Did you know that 7 out of 10 working-age American women (64 million women) either have no health insurance, insufficient health care coverage, trouble paying medical bills or a lack of access to needed health care due to cost? That’s just wrong – and I’ll continue fighting for Florida’s women.
I’ve served in Congress for 17 years helping the families of Jacksonville, Orlando, Gainesville, Daytona-Deland, and Palatka; and I’ve delivered thousands of good jobs and hundreds of millions of federal dollars. This is the kind of solid delivery we need to move us in a new direction. With your help, I’ll continue to be the strong voice that YOU need in the U.S. House of Representatives, one who will be at the table fighting and delivering for YOU! We face crucial issues regarding jobs, health care, education, families, social security, veterans, military, transportation, clean energy technologies, ports, roads, and railroads. As your Congresswoman, I’ll continue delivering for YOU and YOUR FAMILY!”
In 2002, during the early part of the failed George Bush Presidency, Corrine Brown had the right answers. She continues to have the right answers! These remarks are taken from Congresswoman Brown’s “candidate questionnaires, 2002.”
If you could push through one piece of legislation, what would it be and why?
A critical issue is Education Reform to include small classrooms, increased teacher pay, and new construction dollars. The security of this nation depends, in great part, on the overall success of the federal government to educate our citizens.
How should Congress grapple with corporate accounting scandals and the crisis of confidence on Wall Street?
Our markets traditionally have been the fairest and most efficient in the world, and it is tragic that corporations have taken advantage of the system to cheat hard working people out of their rightful earnings. In Florida, the Enron debacle contributed to the crippling of our state economy, and wiped away the retirement savings and pensions of thousands of Florida residents, costing our state three hundred and thirty-six million dollars.
Several countries in Latin America are in the midst of political or economic crisis. What, if anything, should the United States do?
I have visited many countries around the world that are in political and economic crisis. It is critical that America continues to be a strong democracy and displays global leadership. Ongoing dialogue is critical to an understanding of current problems and to forming any effective and lasting solutions.
What other ideas do you have to make our air cleaner?
We must determine the best use of mass transportation systems…and utilize innovative ideas from the best minds in the academic and business worlds to solve the toughest environmental questions.
Do you support a funding increase to international family planning to meet the U.S. pledge at the 1994 United Nations Population Conference in Cairo?
Yes. I support access to voluntary family planning and reproductive health care.
To what extent would you compromise civil liberties in the name of war?
Destroying free government and civil liberties is the agenda of the terrorist. Success against terrorism depends upon our ability to seek out those who are truly responsible for acts of terrorism without destroying the life and liberty of those who are innocent.
Do you know where you still on the political spectrum? See “Political Beliefs, Where Are You” to find out where you stand.
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