NC, TN, CO, CA, TX, What Fun

Here are a few fun facts on what several of the states are up to at this time. Links are included where available to view the bills.
North Carolina HB74 was referred to committee; SB34 was passed and went to the House as HB52. SB34 as HB52 has been referred to committee. So as of this time neither bill has been sent to the Governor for signing. Read HB52
Tennessee has SB 0136 by *Ketron ( *HB 0159 by *Casada) pending that states “Public Employees – As introduced, prohibits public employees from having a payroll deduction to a political action committee or for dues for membership organizations that use funds for political activities.” Follow here.
Colorado’s HB11-1270 “Parents Convert Low-performing School” has been “Postpone Indefinitely”
California Gov. Brown is seeking support from Republicans to put on the June ballot the question of extending billions in taxes for an extra five years. The taxes in question are due to expire on July 1, 2011. California is facing a 25 plus billion dollar short fall or about one third of their budget.
Florida is not to be left out of the union debate has SB 830: “Labor and Employment” working its way through the State Senate.
The Texas Senate has passed SB 321 “Relating to an employee’s transportation and storage of certain firearms or ammunition while on certain property owned or controlled by the employee’s employer.” The bill is being sent to the State House.
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