Senate Democrats: High on Regulation, Not on Jobs
By Ryan Heffner
Senate Democrats, the 13.9 million unemployed Americans have a message for you. The message is short, sweet, and to the point: WAKE UP NOW! In other words, stop putting your narrow-minded, anti-economic recovery ideology before their jobs, families, and livelihoods. Stop killing the American Dream!
A recent example of Senate Democrats’ narrow-minded ideology shows itself in the form of a tweet from Majority Leader Reid:
All in all, it goes without saying that Senator Reid and most Senate Democrats (including Senator Nelson) have been in Washington and diverged from reality for way to long. However, let’s focus on the facts.
According to a recent Gallup poll, small business owners are most likely to name complying with government regulations as the most pressing problem facing them today and, thereby, hindering their ability to hire unemployed Americans.
Surprised? You shouldn’t be; as over-regulation has been killing American jobs for years. Currently, the Directory of Federal Regulations has increased to over 81,000 pages; and, according to one estimate, if you were to read 100 pages a day, every day, it would take you over two years to complete.
However, complying with outdated, unnecessary, and burdensome regulations doesn’t just cost small businesses precious time, it also cost them a lot of money that could have been put to a better use; such as hiring unemployed and underemployed Americans. In a nutshell, regulatory compliance cost American businesses $1.75 trillion annually; enough money to hire 43 million workers, a quarter of the American workforce.
All in all, it’s time for Senate Democrats (including Senator Nelson) to wake up to America’s current nightmare. Regulating businesses to death won’t create jobs; quite the opposite is true.