Spider Denied Food Stamps
There are approximately 43 million people that are on food stamps. This is a program that did not exist 100 years ago. People did survive without the assistance of government. They did it themselves, with help from family or local churches and groups.
In those days it was akin to what a spider does. The spider builds his web in an area where he thinks food will travel. As the flies or other animals hit the web some are caught others manage to tear their way though. The spider wraps up the ones that are caught and when it is needed repairs the web.
The spider does not run down to the local Social Service office and ask for a handout. That spider is on its own. No FEMA to call when the web gets torn up, no HUD for section 8 housing assistance, no Food Stamp program, the list goes on and on. That is the way it was in the days of our parents, grandparents, or maybe great-grandparents.
Yet Yum! Bands, owner of KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, have been lobbing Kentucky to allow use of EBT cards (the Food Stamp card) in restaurants. Presently only about 3 states allow this action. The level to qualify for food stamps is up to about 200% of the poverty level.
The perfect storm would be to end all these programs yesterday. However there are people that the progressives have forced to rely on them, leaving one possible solution of slowly reducing those that qualify for these programs. Widows, elderly, single parents and children will still need help, but to help those at 200% of poverty there is something wrong. That just encourages people not to help themselves.
When do we start to take responsibility for ourselves? The present Administration and the Fed act as though we can spend and print our way out of this mess. If that were the case Zimbabwe would own the planet. It was just back in 2008 that you could buy a loaf of bread for only 700 million Zimbabwe dollars.
The choice is clear, go for the 700 million dollar loaf of bread or accept personal responsibility and control government. If government assistance worked California would be the hot bed of US growth.
My Hubby & I are disabled and live soley on Disability. We applied for food stamps and were denied because they feel we make too much money ! GO figure ! If we had a house full of invisible kids to add we would get the help we need and deserve. I know folks that get help that are well able to get their FAT LAZY BUTTS out and work to support themselves and the Children that our Gov’t supports.
With all due respect.. If you are able to type here, with an opionon, why wouldn’t you be able to get a medical coding job or the like? To quote you, “Get off your FAT LAZY BUTT!”
Seriously? Do you know how difficult it is to get a job right now? My husband has been trying for 12 months to find employment. There are plenty of hardworking people who are unable to find a job because it seems like almost no one is hiring. Good for you that you don’t have to work hard to find a job, or that you had steady employment, but come on. Some people need a little help to get by so they can land on their feet again. It’s a cruel world, and the least that other people can do is lend a helping hand.
Yes Seriously! No I do not know… In fact EVERY MacDonald s is hiring, or are you too good for that? Also making money is up to you… Not your neighbor! I am sure there are MANY opportunities for your hubby, most are just ‘beneath him”…. Tell him suck it up and WORK!
Wow, you sound like a heartless jerk. Actually, he has applied to several restaurants and department stores, even gas stations and THEY ARE NOT HIRING. Tell me how he’s supposed to get a job when no one’s hiring.
You are clearly out of touch with people trying to make it in today’s economy. If this truly is a “Christian country,” like you guys claim it is, why are you so opposed to helping out your neighbor in times of need? Again, you sound like a heartless jerk.
NO, I am a realist. When you say ‘no one’s hiring’ that is a lie… Thousands of companies are hiring. Again, you sound like your excuses keep you from work, don’t worry your not alone YOU WILL find lots of sympathy.
None of it pays bills. What if you lived in ANY other time than this? Would you just stare at the sky and starve?