Gay Marriage Is Going To Happen

I realize the name of this site is Tea Party Cheer and it is mostly for conservative views. Here is one that conservatives need to get a grip on and come to terms with. The genie is out of the bottle as far as gay marriage goes and you aren’t going to get him back in it. (A quick disclaimer, I am not gay.) Gay marriage is going to happen and you cannot stop it.
I have been waiting for someone to come up with a rational, objective, well reasoned argument for why it should not be allowed. So far, no one has done that. Not even close. About all anyone has claimed is that it would somehow be the end of marriage as we know it. Really? How? Every time I hear someone make this claim, I wait for the explanation as to how he came to this conclusion but no one ever follows up with the ‘how’ explanation. The reason is, of course, there is no explanation for that tired bluster. The objection to gay marriage is always based on an appeal to people’s emotion and not to reason. The idea is to frighten people and the main reason for doing this is to control them, get them to do what you want and, ultimately, get their money.
Another argument people try to make is that this is not what God would want. And just how do you know what God wants? And don’t try taking some small passages from the Bible, twisting them to fit what you want and try to tell me you know what God wants. Personally, this strikes me as arrogant and as dangerous as the fanatics in Iran or other Muslim extremists. I make no claim to know what God wants and am skeptical of anyone who does.
I actually am quite indifferent to gay marriage. If you are in favor of it or not, it is basically up to you. Everyone is entitled to his opinion on the subject but just once I would like to hear an opponent come up with a rational argument that is not based on how you ‘feel’ about it. How you ‘feel’ about something is emotionally based. This is what liberals base everything they believe, do or want to do. There is no rational thinking there at all.
A lot of this anti-gay sentiment is from straight people who are worried that if someone else can be gay then they might become gay themselves. I am serious. There are a lot of people out there who actually think this way. No matter how many times you explain to them that it doesn’t work that way they just can’t get it through their heads. They truly believe that this is something gays choose to be. As if one day a gay person just wakes up and decides, “What the hell, I think I’ll give homosexuality a shot and see how much I like it.” It’s 2011 and there are still people out there that think like this. Probably a lot of repressed feeling in play here. Check out that raging lunatic minister, Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church. If this guy isn’t a self loathing closet gay than no one is. Someday he’ll be swapping dresses for all of eternity with J. Edgar Hoover.
One last thought on the subject. Whether you are for it, against it or don’t care about it, the one thing gay marriage is not, it is not a significant issue. Should not make anyone’s top ten list of things to get worked up about. And it certainly should not be the subject of a Presidential race. We have serious problems to deal with and this simply is not one of them.
You might have a JD but here is some food for thought: See reply to Ann on for full statement.
“We now look at the laws of the United States and each State. They are both, except Louisiana, rooted in English common law and thusly in Roman law and there traditions.” continuing “Marriage and Sodomy are issues that are not in the purview of the national government those are issue that fall under the 10th amendment. Marriage however is just a little different than sodomy laws. Marriage is a common law issue that has been codified. Codification however does not negate the common law issue. Marriage was between one man and one woman, thusly for there to be other types of marriage, the States would have to agree to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow States to institute other types of marriage. If this issue were to reach the Supreme Court of the United States, they would rule against marriage defined as other than one man to one woman.”
Read it and tell me where I am wrong.
Blah, blah, blah get real. I told you, I am indifferent to it but, it is going to happen and it is not the significant issue that the moralistic crusaders (look in the mirror) think it is. Plus, you will have to look long and hard to find anything in the Constitution that says anything about any kind of marriage.
You are missing the point. It has never been there. Plural marriage was rejected. Remember Utah, they had to ban it to join the Union. What it appears is that you are supporting activism on the bench. That is wrong, regardless if it is from the right or left.
The core argument is to add to the legal structure something that has never been there. This would be a case that would require not just a change in each state but the national constitution.
When has any state allowed such types of marriage? Where in common law has it been accepted? Because, it requires a change in process and code, not limited to color of law, it would be the same as Maryland making beer sales in New York illegal. A or several states do not have the power to do such without a change in the Federal Constitution. Because the action of one will have causeal effect on the whole. That was the reason for common law…
These are the same type of arguments that were used to prohibit interracial marriage. How did that work out? Do you still believe interracial marriges should be prohbited? Be honest. My guess is you do.
Get a grip. Gay marriage is going to happen.
One man one woman was the definition then and still is. The race issue was the product of the democrats and early progressives.
And here is something you will need to “get a grip on” and “comes to terms with” whether you like it or not. “Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.” Romans 1:24-32
You realize, or at least you should, that you are as much of a non-thinking moron as any liberal hanky wringing nitwit. Try to read what I wrote and allow a rational thought to sneak into your tiny little head. I am not promoting homosexuality. God has done that by making them. I am telling people like you that you are not going to stop gay marriage. It is out and going to happen.
Plus, if you are going to quote the Bible dont just use those passages that suit your bigotry. Quote the ones about owning slaves and beating women and all of the other things we’ve evolved (I’ll bet that word makes you cry) beyond.
God created gays just like He created you and you are going to have some things to answer for when you meet up with him.
“The idea of homosexual promotion goes back to two books Eros in Civilization by Theodore Adorno and Polymorphous Perversity by Herbert Marcuse. They were both members of the Marxist Frankfurt School that thought of ways to destroy American culture. They argued godless Freudian logic to create “sexual liberation” and “gender politics” for the express purpose of destroying the moral fiber of Western civilization. A dead tree cannot bear good fruit; neither can any ideals of Marxism be good for society.”
I totally with Lance… so true what the agenda of lucifer is and the people he sets up in high positions,,, to kill, steal and destroy. to promote and accept lies even if it destroys souls. they have an agenda that stretches out in many fields of society… they plant homosexuals in places where they can have access to our chldren……. the Catholic Church was settup for the fall of the church… blame the Churches,,, dirty agenda.. evil at its core… 2 Roosters,, Lewis & Lewis,, Youtube
Catholics should stand up for the Church! put the blame where it is do. Homosexual Agenda…..
You’re trolling, right?
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. In fact, I would welcome it if you would put together a well thought out, rational, reasoned argument why gays should not be allowed to marry. I am willing to listen. Please respond with a more detailed discourse as to why gays should not be allowed to marry.
If you would go back and read my article again, I am not advocating for gay marriage. My main premise is that gay marriage is out in the open and likely to happen. Convince me, and other readers, that it should not be allowed.
Less .gov. The GOP needs to stay out of the bedroom. Period. If you don’t agree with that, then you would also support a national ID, which is sick. The GOP is way behind on this issue and has been for a few years. Stop the homophobia. Who cares? There are 30 million gays in the country (maybe more) and they typically vote Democrat for ONE issue – gay marriage and rights. Let them have rights. To deny rights is to deny freedom. Pick up some votes and use your heads. Turn the table on liberals with Gays, Guns and God. haha. You take away their talking points and they’ll just flip out.
And, it would be hilarious to see liberals flip out when they realize .gov will go broke with an IRS marriage exemption! haha. Freedom is freedom in all forms. To deny that is tantamount to being a communist. The GOP should STFU about denying gay rights, and I;m registered republican and I’m not gay. It’s rights! Period!
Have a nice day, all.
WHO THE F[*]CK CARES – I don’t care if a man marries a f[*]cking coffee table – this is not what the Tea Party started for. Abortion, drugs, homos …. Goodbye Tea Party you did good for in your brief existence.
*A single letter was removed and replace… Editors
Great article and so true. I’m a 30-ish, moderate (card carrying Republican), Christian straight female and guess what? The only reason Gay Marriage is an issue is because fundamental-right Christian-Republicans are making it an issue. Most gays and lesbians only want what we as straights have been afforded by predestination at birth: a chance to love and not be degraded or segregated because of who they love.
People, GET OVER IT.
Preach your “homosexual agenda” and leviticus – with it’s pro-slavery, anti-crab and anti-gay message in your sanctuaries and leave it out of the legislature. I prefer my church and state separate so I’ll take the government affording rights to all of its citizens over any kind of religious discussion done in courts or Congress that only makes Christians appear more hateful and bigoted.