Obama or Ryan Medicare

May 27, 2011 by Editor Fred D

Obama or Ryan Medicare

See related:  ”Truth about Medi-SCARE

Paul Ryan, on Fox News Special Report with Bret Baier, was asked about Sen. Reid’s comment about charging $6,000 a year more for Medicare and the Republican destroying Medicare. However; the Ryan plan does not have any effect on those that are 55 or older, unlike the half billion that the Democrats have taken out of Medicare. Those under 55 would be given choice about the Medicare plan they choose, like the Medicare prescription plan.

Ryan says that his plan does not lead to rations like the Democrat present program scheme.

President Obama like President Bush has certain statutory requirements that require the reporting to Congress of plans to increase the cash ratio of Medicare program. This requirement was triggered in 2008 and President Bush sent a plan to congress that was ignored. President Obama was required to send a plan to the Congress in 2009, 2010 and 2011 and yet he has not sent forward anything.

In the video below at about 2 minutes and 5 seconds Karl Rove explains requirements on Medicare that Obama has failed to complied with 3 times.

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