Tim Pawlenty Formal Announcement

May 23, 2011 by Editor Fred D

Tim Pawlenty Formal Announcement

Tim Pawlenty Announcement

Related:  Tim Pawlenty Biography

Tim Pawlenty has made it formally official. Governor Pawlenty at a town hall meeting at the state historical building in Iowa made it officially and formally announced that he is a candidate for the republican nomination for President of the United States. He released the following on his YouTube channel yesterday.

Pawlenty position in Iowa and New Hampshire may have improved with Huckabee’s exit from the race.  Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann, presumptive candidate, are the only 2 candidates that would pull supporters of Huckbee from Pawlenty. The key will be the last third of the trifecta, South Carolina.

The three states require a lot of retail politicking. There will be at least 1 debate that is set for December 10, 2011. This debate will be on ABC and is to be streamed on ABCNews.com. This will began the final turn to the Iowa Caucuses that are scheduled to take place on February 6, 2012.

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