Obama Solves the Gas Price Problem

Apr 22, 2011 by Dennis C

Obama Solves the Gas Price Problem

Obama has decided to do what he normally does for everything to solve the problem of rising gas prices. He is going to form a committee to find out why gas prices are going up. Problem solved. This is such a typical liberal BS, knee jerk thing to do we all should have seen it coming.

The real solution is, and this is obvious, more domestic production. But, since high gas prices are one of the three center pieces of his ‘energy policy’ (high gas prices, windmills and curly cue lightbulbs) he has no interest in actually doing something about this. Since he has stopped governing (which is probably a good thing given the job he has done) and is now in full time campaign mode, he only wants to appear to be doing something. And what better way to blow smoke up everyone’s _ _ _ than to form some waste-of-time committee that will accomplish nothing? The Obama way. Give them the appearance of doing something. Illusion over reality. What’s next, trot hat in hand to the UN and ask them for a resolution to do something?

I have come to the conclusion that Barack Obama has nothing but total contempt for the people of this country and treats them like childish idiots. And, given that they elected this guy who never had a job, had no experience of any practical worth and was all smoke and mirrors, maybe he has a point. Let’s ‘hope’ not and then we can ‘change’ the mess he has made.

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